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I Was Having The Worst Day...
"Shut your mouth!" is literally what I just said to my monthly astrology report as I almost clicked unsubscribe. Almost clicked it..but realistically that wasn’t going to happen. I love astrology. Simply love what it has done for me. Therapy at its purest. No longer apologizing for who I am, but simply acknowledging and if I choose to change some things, astrology has offered me the roadmap to take that journey. However, astrology reports can offer more that deals with a person’s personal astrology more holistically. Enter crystals. Crystals have a power. No one can convince me otherwise and I am not here to convince anyone of my beliefs. Because if I was, I would simply look at the millions of dollars spent annually on crystals - the proof is in the pudding as an old friend used to say. Crystals are used to help direct and manage the energy around us, and have been around for centuries. But it’s not just crystals that are used for energy management, for centuries people have used aromatherapy, color therapy, yoga and affirmations (also prayer) to help manage our often chaotic lives.
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