History of Metaphysical Healing Tools
While crystals have been used for many centuries and for many purposes, today’s crystals are still primarily used for healing, protection, manifestation, healing and other personal reasons. Crystals have different properties and healing uses and energy impact. Crystals that enhance energy include Citrine, Rose Quartz and Fluorite, for example. Crystals that balance energy include Tiger’s Eye, Turquoise and Red Jasper. Each crystal is associated, and optimized, with a specific chakra. For example, Rose Quartz for the Heart Chakra, Citrine for Solar Plexus and Crown Chakras, Flourite for Throat Chakra, Amethyst for Third Eye, Carnelian for Sacral and Red Jasper for Root Chakra.
Vibrations are also related to chakras. Vibrations that come from certain sounds have been used for years to help heal the body and chakras. There is a rhythm that happens within the body (ie. ,heartbeats and breathing rates) and also at the cellular level - vibrations matching those internal rhythms are used for body healing. Certain sound healing deals with drums, bells, tibetan bowls and binaural beats, however, the sounds used for this method are sounds that can be done with one’s own voice. Specific sounds correspond to certain chakras. For example, the sound “Ahhh” is related to the Heart Chakra, “Ohhh” to the Solar Plexus, G Note to Throat, “Eeee” for the Crown Chakra. “AAa” is related to the Third Eye Chakra.
Color therapy is linked to a color's influence on chakras. Color therapy has been used since ancient times. Phototherapy (light therapy) was practiced in Ancient Egypt, Greece, China and India. Primary colors of red, blue and yellow were used during these times, since color mixtures had not yet been introduced. Color therapy uses light and color to affect mood and physical health. Color therapy has been used for brain disorders and those with emotional problems. Blue is used for calming, red for the opposite effect. Yellow is often used to help with depression. In relation to chakras, certain colors have been assigned to each chakra, based on each color’s healing properties. Solar Chakra uses Yellow, Heart uses Green, Throat is Light Blue, Third Eye is Blue, Crown is Purple, Sacral is Orange and Root is Red.
Yoga therapy originated in India thousands of years ago. It was introduced to the United States
in the late 1800’s. It is based on the belief that postures, breathing exercises, meditation and guided imagery improve mental and physical health and also as a disease prevention and energy maintenance. Studies show yoga boosts neurotransmitters that aid in fighting substance abuse, anxiety and depression. Benefits of yoga include reduced stress, better diet and optional functioning body organs. In relation to chakra therapy, certain yoga poses are used to shift the energy of chakras. For example, Mountain Pose is good for opening the Root Chakra, which is located at the base of the spine. For the Sacral chakra, located in the pelvic basin, the Warrior Pose is helpful. Solar plexus, located at the Navel, benefits from the Plank Pose. Heart Chakra , located near the heart, works well with the Camel or Child Pose. The Throat Chakra aligns well with the Bridge Pose, and the Third Eye chakra, located between the eyebrows, the Tree Pose is beneficial. Crown Chakra located at the Crown of the head works with the Corpse Pose.
Aromatherapy relates to the science of smell and certain scents promoting healing within the body. It dates back to ancient times when, for example, Juniper Berries were used as an antiseptic. In Egypt (believed to be aromatherapy’s birthplace), oils were used in many aspects of their culture. Distillation pots were used to extract oils from plants, as early as 3500 BC. Greeks also used essential oils (Hippocrates used them regularly in his medicine practice). In relation to Chakras, aromatherapy is believed to aid in balancing and enhancing the body’s chakra energies. Solar Chakra benefits from the smell of Chamomile, Heart Chakra benefits from Geranium, Coriander for the Throat Chakra and Frankincense for Third Eye and Crown Chakra. Sweet Orange for Sacral and Bergamot for the Root Chakra.
Affirmations have also been around for years and is believed to be formally invented by a French psychologist in the early 20th Century. He noticed when he told his patients how effective a medicine was, it was more effective. Neuroscientists proved success can be achieved by increasing positive behaviors and decreasing negative ones. Affirmation healing is rooted in language science that language patterns unintentionally affect outcomes. Affirmations can be linked to Chakras via the type of statement or need.