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Connections Between Chakras and Planets 

There exists a correlation between planets and chakra energy centers, which is the basis for the connections between astrology and customized metaphysical reports . Planets, having certain characteristics are aligned to specific chakras. Planets are related to chakras in the following ways: Jupiter and Neptune are related to the Crown Chakra as Jupiter is the planet of broader purpose, reach, and possibility. Jupiter has generally been associated with good luck, bounty, optimism and growth (including mental and spiritual growth). On the up side, Jupiter is associated with a sense of humor, good will, and mercy. Neptune is the planet of spiritual realms, dreams, illusions, addictions and compassion. Saturn is connected to the Third Eye and Root Chakra, whereas Saturn is the planet of karma, work, routine, while the Third Eye connects us to our inner perception and intuition. Mercury to the Throat Chakra (communication chakra), since Mercury is the planet of communication. The Moon is connected to the Heart as the Moon is the planet of emotions and the Heart Chakra is responsible for love, warmth and compassion. The Sun is connected to the Solar Plexus (the chakra responsible for motivation and self confidence), as the sun is our biggest planet and represents who we are and our personality. Venus is connected to the Sacral chakra (responsible for feelings and pleasure) and the Heart Chakra as Venus rules pleasure and love. Mars is connected to the Root Chakra (which is the starting point of our development) and Mars is responsible for action, aggression and movement.


There are seven chakras - Root, Sacral, Solar, Heart, Throat, Third Eye and Crown. The Root Chakra is the first chakra and is the basis and starting point for personal development. It is the survival center that provides stability, security and basic needs. The Sacral, or Second Chakra, is positioned below the navel and near the lower stomach and lumbar spine. It is the energy center of emotions, feelings and pleasure. The Solar Plexus, or Third Chakra is the energy center of personal power and is positioned in the upper stomach. It manages motivation, willpower and self-confidence. The Heart, or fourth chakra, is positioned at the center of the chest and when balanced, brings love, warmth and compassion. The Heart Chakra represents the ability to love yourself and others. The Throat, or fifth chakra, is related to communication, self-expression, and the ability to speak your personal truth. It is positioned at the base of the throat. The Third Eye, or Sixth Chakra, is related to the highest energy and is positioned behind the eyes in the middle of the head. Our Third Eye chakra opens up intuitive abilities and inner perception. The Crown, or 7th chakra, is related to higher states of consciousness and is positioned at the top of the head. The Crown chakra is guided by consciousness and is the link to the universal energy source.

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